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title: Blog icon: 📖 options: title: false duplicate: false status: false url: false delete: false tabs: articles: columns: - width: 1/3 sections: drafts: extends: sections/blog/articles headline: Drafts info: false status: draft unlisted: extends: sections/blog/articles headline: In Review info: false status: unlisted - width: 2/3 sections: listed: extends: sections/blog/articles headline: Published status: listed layout: cards image: ratio: 2/1 cover: true options: columns: - width: 1/2 fields: heading: type: text icon: title subheading: type: text icon: title - width: 1/2 fields: limit: label: Articles per page type: number width: 1/2 placeholder: 6 dateFormat: label: Date format type: text width: 1/2 icon: calendar placeholder: d M, Y twitter: label: Twitter name type: text icon: twitter width: 1/2 instagram: label: Instagram name type: text icon: instagram width: 1/2